
culmination of an education

last thursday (12.18.08) i put the finishing touches to my last project of my undergraduate career. all i have to say is, "freakin finally!" such a bright future awaits. i'm going to start concentrating on my craft and building a name for myself in the design community. i will focus on graphic design for the time being, seeing as it is potentially my most immediate and lucrative source of income. architecture will have to wait....for now (but i see competitions in the not so distant future). and of course, my music will remain a constant presence in the background, until i'm presented with a viable opportunity.

contract work is hard to rely on, so i will probably get a day job to keep me sane. twisted pine here i come!

i know i neglected you all, so i'll post some images of my work to prove to you i was working my ass off and not just ignoring you for the hell of it.

rTABLE (final project for Digital Design and Fabrication):

some images from my studio 4710 final (boulder event center):

more to come...


episode VII :: America can be taken seriously again...

yesterday, i watched one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen. it was the first thing i thought about when I woke up this morning. it's like the emperor has just been slain and now the republic can truly prosper as a proud nation once again. this new golden age will not be tainted with family regimes or dynasties. we've learned how to vote again...in record numbers people! i still believe that a bi-partisan system is intrinsically flawed but now with the house and senate being a strong blue majority at least something can be accomplished by congress.

did you see jesse jackson? wow, i'm not really a fan of the man, but understanding his direct association with the civil rights movement and all the history behind those eyes is enough to make anyone weep. mlk is dancing in his grave.

just for the record, i didn't vote for obama because of his skin color. that's extremely ignorant. i voted for him because the US needs a serious makeover and a stodgy gray-haired grandpa is not gonna cut it for 2009. yes he's accomplished and experienced...i don't care. policy had nothing with my vote either, because not one presidential candidate in the history of the country has lived up to all the crap they talk before they're elected. remember ol' jim carter? c'mon now. if we want to be considered a true player in the global community and not just some oppressive bully state, we need fresh young eyes...elected by the people, not corporate lobbyists.

this is merely the first step, needless to say it's a huge one with some big shoes to fill. however, the shoes he has to fill are not hand-me-downs. no. he will have to design a whole new style of footwear. kick those old kicks to the recycling bin on the curb and walk tall and proud in your new shoes, barack. show us what you're really made of...

.... if mccain had won, he probably would've had a coronary from the shock and then palin would have been the effective "president" and that my friends would be enough for this young american to hand in his citizenship and ship out to south of the equator.

but that didn't happen...so.......... YES WE CAN!


music is happier

architectural design has its beautiful moments. but a large percentage of said trade is filled with stress and an overwhelming amount of social responsibility.

i went to the jason mraz concert the other night. live music fills my heart up like a party balloon and keeps me warm. hearing music and especially playing music is like a gift to my soul. something in me transforms when music is present and this feeling is probably not something i'll ever get from architecture. goethe said that to him "architecture was frozen music." this quote has never resonated with me as much as it has within the last couple weeks.

architecture is a visual art and relatively static when compared to music. but it also has more of a sense of permanence and omnipresence, whereas music is more of a series of temporary experiences. regardless, i have felt chilled in my design these last few weeks before midterms. music is my white pony, always tempting me to ride away into the harmonic sunset and never look back. architecture is city of glory i must navigate and conquer before i can follow the sun.

talk to me in december, when i start my perpetual winter break.

check out pretty lights' new album!


thanks allison...

an excerpt from my new favorite feel-good song:

You're just dodging all the friendly fire
You're never dressed in the right attire
You miss the start of every game
You're my flame

You make hay when the sun don't shine
You don't need a dollar, you don't need a dime
You burn at both ends and still you're fine
You're my flame

zero 7 - the garden


i can be too as well, in the end, it's all about, the objective is...something to be seen...all that really matters............

architorture is love. we can all agree on that. if you can't then you don't love me. because i am architorture...........in its purest sense. i embody the willingness to sacrifice life and love for design itself. this is not unique and i do not propose to be special. those whom give themselves to their craft know this. what you make...what you produce...what you design...is................YOU! you cannot escape you. you is you. u is a letter. you is a noun. ewe is a noun. You is a pronoun. I am a ProNoun and so can YOU. y i o u an explanation is simple. i am a human and you can as well.


trail ridge shoot

we drove up trail ridge road yesterday to finish out cameron and christina's engagement photo shoot. allison did an amazing job directing them and making them feel like a loving couple. the images she got are really sweet too! but I'll let her show u those...



michael fuckin franti!!!!! he's the one standing up in the light blue back there. I was just mindin my own business havin happy hour with friends and then franti just crosses the street right in front of me. I could barely contain myself. I can only imagine what I wouldve done had it been Keller, or Britney....



the tribe ride

ok, allison and i have talked about it, for us tribe is on a decline.  the last 2 or 3 shows we've been to have lacked the original magic we felt when we started this ride a few years ago.  we always have a good time because all of our friends are there, but the music used to be the main attraction.  i just think when i find myself sneering at the songlist of a "favorite" band then it's time to move on.  

tribe, it's been real, but peaceblaster is......yikes. 

i will see you in another life when we are both cats or until you come out with another album on par with artifact.  good luck.



some moron across the hall from me started a grease fire and blew up their kitchen.  three fire trucks along with half of the boulder police force showed up at my apt. bldg. last night around 9:30.  needless to say it was a little unnerving.  i didn't have time to put away any computers or grab the cats.  i was outside for 3 minutes before i decided to ran back up and put the laptops under the couch, but when i opened the door for the 4th floor i couldn't even see my apt. door because there was so much smoke.  my heart sank...  thoughts started racing:  did the sprinklers go off?  is there smoke in our place?  do my cats hate me now?  turns out my apt. was not affected at all and it remains the island retreat within a sea of crappy apartments.

who the fuck cooks with grease?  that's some country-ass shit!


my stoic girlfriend...

nah, i just caught her in between smiles, but for some reason i really like this photo.

we waded across the treacherous boulder creek and made it with all our portable electronics still in tact and safe from the evils of h20.



wow i totally made it to an 8am class today. i'm way super-d-duperly proud of myself.


crazy dutch architects

MVRDV is one of the firms on our class list.  i like the project of theirs that i've dubbed the "jenga" building in taipei.

UN studio is another one on the list.  UN-fold-STUDIO is one of my favorite coffee table books.  marcel also suggested some readings from one of my favorite architectural journals: praxis.  
i feel ahead of the curve.  yeuh boy!  you gotta own it!

unmitagated audacity...

great googly moogly!

zappa for president!


studio before sept.: clean and stress free

soon there will hundreds of angry, sweaty, tired children in here:


better to see you with...

snapped this one in the optometrist's office.  this is my optomap.  i have healthy eyes if you were wondering...


omg you guys


if your a long-time internet guitar tab junkie like me...you'll appreciate the magnanimity of this site.  holy crap...

so there is an online jam room, but it's definitely lacking compared to what i had imagined an online jam room should be.  there should be a community of online musicians who can create "rooms" where they can play music live.  other people can then listen and/or play along.  the people who create these rooms should have the ability to choose whether or not to listen to people jammin with them.  talk about a billion dollar business idea.  amateurs could end up playin with super badasses and not even realize it.  that would be sooooo awesome...


just a taste...

the rest of the show is on its way...

i like to think i've sung this one better before, but it still had lots of energy.

lucy...you have some 'splainin to do...

aww......lulu can shake a paw


procrastination is...well...i'll you about it later...

i've learned a few things about procrastination recently...the hard way of course.  my glasses broke...twice.  the first time was the other night at sundowner.  my left "temple wire" just snapped when i tried to take them off for a second.  and then just yesterday the right one broke the same way.  i took them into pearl vision today and found out the 1-year warranty was in fact up.  it was almost as if the manufacturers specifically planned for them to destroy themselves just past the warranty's expiration.  hmm...  anyway, i have needed contacts for a while but have been putting it off until the last possible moment.  well...needless to say that moment came to me in a snap...literally.  so i conned the optometrist into giving me a free pair of loner contacts until i come in and renew my prescription.  new glasses come in next monday and i'm gonna stretch these contacts for 3 months and buy more online with the copy of my old prescription.  

the second part of the story has to do with h&r block and a bunch of money, but i won't bore you with the details.

so i guess what i'm really trying to say is :: i didn't really learn anything.  ha!

no but seriously, take it from me.  don't wait until you have been literally blinded before you decide it's time to take care of yourself.


colorado never ceases to amaze...

drove up past ward yesterday to brainard lake.  i'm totally going back there sometime.  it was absolutely gorgeous.


Christopher Pieper (aka...crispy tits)

it's hard to beat pitchers of pbrs @ the dwnr...mmm

jive coulis (feat. ronchron)

what an amazing feeling...

who better to capture such a moment than my better half...


the tenth

derek leaves for illinois today...sad day. my brother mickey just left for college yesterday. for some reason around this time every year, people in my life leave me.  ha!  maybe i'm just super aware around my birthday.  anyway look how cute:

we got back from the mountains today around 1:30.  i headed to twisted pine a couple of hours later to jam with the jive.  it was really fun!  i feel like we have the keller song nailed and the random improv seshes with pete were super sweet!  

we're opening the set with my keller song and then i might play with them on another track.  

wednesday night (8.13.08) @ the fox...yeuh


chipmunk heaven!

ok, so i've never so many friggin chipmunks in my life!


you just got killed by a daewoo lanos, mofo...

i snapped this one in the theatre last night @ the 9:35 showing of pineapple express. the iphone gives whole new meaning to the term "flash photography". ha!

holy crap james franco was an f'in riot. i was privy to some more of his work on "funny or die". it's so great to see A-listers making low-budget indy films and turning them around for 10s of thousands of dollars...not to mention the publicity. hilarious...


extreme cutover is here...

yay, my latest creation is live!  i made a website for martin-group's promo project called extreme cutover (parody of extreme makeover: home edition).    


tech meetup @ wolf law!!

chris and i got there a little late.  i thought the presentations started at 7 and they only started serving drinks at 6.  i was wrong.  next month we'll get there before all the beer runs out and get wicked awesome seats!  my favs:   gyminee & fluxcapacity.


eat healthy . . . drink beer

allison and i went with michael and ashley to keystone yesterday for the BEER and bluegrass festival.  even-though it was great to listen to, we weren't exactly there for the music...  with 30+ breweries handing out all kinds of great beer, the party was virtually unstoppable.  

friday night was awesome btw.  i finally got up in front of a crowd and played.  the keller cover went off without a hitch, which was my personal goal...but i had some equipment issues on jive's song "doomsday".  first of all, i didn't have any overdrive for my sound, so i played clean...meh.  the amp i was using kept cutting out right in the middle of the song, and i had to switch out my cable.  it totally killed my groove.  but it was a rad experience nonetheless and i'm grateful for jive lettin me sit in with them.  the live setting is completely different from rehearsal, anything can happen and sometimes there's no way to avoid mistakes.  

after the set we chilled around tPine and played a little nightbee in the parking lot.  we then proceeded to drum jam on the bus.  good times.  chris and i walked home...faded and talkative.  good night everyone.  



i spent some time up at the jive house last night.  first time i ever sang into a mic while playing with a band.  very cool feeling...  in my amateur opinion, it was an incredibly tight practice.  i'm learning a couple of the tracks off their debut album:  machina & doomsday.  we are also playing a keller song i recently learned entitled above the thunder.  

friday night @ the twisted pine!


trying to hold a groove...

i started playing guitar when i was 12.  i quit when i was 13.  i moved to mexico and found some inspiration.  i started playing again...for good this time.  guitar has since been a huge part of my life.  about a year ago i jammed with my buddy jesse in his basement.  the jam was goin great and then he started singing and i was completely taken aback.  needless to say, his voice is incredible. except for a couple failed attempts in high school; car; shower, i hadn't really thought about singing.  but after hearing jesse, i was motivated.

i can sing along to jack because his range is similar to mine, so i learned a couple of his songs throughout the rest of the summer.  it was rocky at first, but it caught on after a while and then just when i thought was really improving, i started devoting my time to txtbus.  as kickass of a ride as it was, that year of startup life completely consumed me...no real time for guitar.  and i have this thing...if i can't do something right (in this case: diligently practicing) i just don't do it all.  i picked it up a few times, but usually not with much passion. it killed me, but it was a sacrifice i was willing to make...temporarily.

the summer is back and with it came a little more free time for guitar. although i have been fairly busy. i guess i’ve just made more time for it. the room upstairs really helps. i kinna monopolized it, but i think allison expected that. there’s a desk up there now so she can use it for stuff. i’ve been learning keller songs lately. i guess he’s in my vocal range too. i just never thought to play one of his songs because he’s such an amazing guitarist. i thought it might be kind of a reach. turns out he plays chords just like everyone else. his picking style is what’s intimidating. must be all that bluegrass background. 

anyway, i’ve learned a lot these last couple weeks of singing and playing. i finally understand why it’s actually easier to sing and play guitar than it is to just try and sing a cappella. the tone of the guitar keeps your voice at the right pitch and the lyrics are usually broken up according to the rhythm of the song. they work together so it’s easier to keep the song moving. it makes so much sense that it’s almost embarrassing to admit it took me this long to figure out. but there’s a big difference between knowing it and realizing it. sorta just clicked the other day. i’m digging it for sure. i can see now why people can do this all day everyday...it’s addicting.


ensalada perfecta con cerveza pacifico!

yummy spinach, strawberries, grapes and grape tomatoes topped with raspberry vinaigrette...

audio test

i recorded this from my phone!

cellspin is rad!

wordpress is calling me back...but i am strong...

i have moved my entire blog and all entries to blogspot. i might still use this one as an rss to automatically post to my new blog @ ronchron.blogspot.com. i just like google analytics, what can i say? but of course wordpress just came out with an iphone app right after i made the switch...bad timing. come on blogger, step it up!

sexy silouettes...

re:creation @ Mishawaka was freakin sweet! I forgot how much I loved that venue. pretty lights haf the best set. pnuma was cool. but a little too glitchy for my taste. next time I think allison and I are gonna shuttle and camp...on the poudre!


beeeeelieve it or not!!!

Chucked the bee with Theron chris and Rob. It was beautiful. Tomorrow night is going to kickass! Night-bee beyond Naropa@8pm!

brought to you by ... LifeCast


frisbee heaven...and rainbows

sun came during a light drizzle and behold!...a double-rainbow appeareth over the trees...



i've decided to move my blog from wordpress to blogger. i'm not sure exactly why, i just needed a change. wordpress was lonely and google already owns most of my online life so i figured why not give them just another little piece. maybe i'll actually keep this one up.

i went down to arvada yesterday to help my brother install speakers in his car. i think he thought i knew what i was doing by the way i had talked about it on the phone. but i have never taken the panelling off an '02 ford explorer, nor have i ever rewired speakers with solder (pronounced "sauder" and spelled almost like a dude carrying a gun in the sand). i only broke off a few plastic notches on the door panel. not bad for a rookie. it could've been way worse!

ok so, allison and i are going to start taking our laundry down to arvada on a regular basis, at least until we move into a place where it doesn't cost $8-10 for only a few loads. can you believe it's $2.25 to wash and dry something in my apt. complex? maybe you can and that's what it normally costs, but i think it's redic.

despite the lack of excitement on my blog in june, it was a kickass month! allison and i edited video together, we drove to austin to party it up with her friends, i stopped working @ friedrick's every waking moment of my life, and i started up a new hobby: frisbee chuckin!!! can i tell you how much i love the frisbee? oh wow, i never thought chasing plastic could bee so much fun. i try to get out there at least 5 times a week. theron and i are getting damn good. we are the up and coming disc duo, watch out!

playing music...until recently has been almost nil in my life. i just haven't made the time for it. but i now i have set aside a couple hours everyday to stop working and play guitar...and maybe sing a little. i went camping with a couple of my buddies from jive coulis. i kinna surprised myself the way i was playing that night. i was jammin like never before, guitar and vocals. it was great, but before my head gets any bigger, i'm gonna drink this delicious looking iced coffee my baby made for me...


it's beer o clock at rothbury

I cracked this one at 930ish...whenever it was that I woke up that morning...


. . . and the livin's . . . life

about a week ago, on the second day of filming in kentucky, i could feel the last of my medication completely leave my system. i was already having kind of a weird day, but i couldn't put my finger on it until out of nowhere it felt like my serotonin level suddenly dropped and it became almost impossible to deal with even the most simple daily tasks. it reminded me of how i felt a couple years ago and quite frankly, scared the shit out of me. i began to question getting off the pills. that moment of weakness is what probably frightened me the most. at the time i didn't want to listen to any advice she had, but i know her strength and faith is what brought me back. the next morning i felt re-balanced. i thought, "this must be what it's like to finally beat a heroin addiction." not kidding, it was like night and day...literally. i've come to accept the fact that i have to deal with the good and bad like everyone else.

i'm really excited about this summer. so many possibilities! my design career is blossoming. i love it. i've definitely got my work cut out for me. but i've always believed being too busy is better than not. keeping my mind occupied is extremely important to me. my brain is dangerous when idle. if i don't continually activate my mind with creative processes, evil thoughts begin to creep in...

peer is blowin up! friedrick is making sales calls at montana hospitals all this week and the better part of next week. he and his dad are apparently really kickin ass in those board rooms. even though i also have a vested interest in his success, i really am happy for him. he needed this trip, not only to nurture his relationship with his father, but also to boost his confidence. i've been giving him a hard time lately. my frustration and animosity toward him has clearly been evident these last few weeks. i wish it i could say it all stemmed from something other than financial expectations...but i can't. i know nothing was ever promised to me. that's just start-up life and i have to suck it up. my problem is that i promised myself much more by this time '08. i know things will eventually pan out for all of our benefit. that's the thing about true patience...there's no set deadline. things will happen when they happen. my duty to myself and my sanity is to abide until the time comes to partake in the fruits of my labor.

the or peer website is really shaping up. my experience in web design is kinna backwards. i learned how to build flash sites before really learning html and css. there's still a lot to learn, but i have a lot of confidence in my self-taught crash course. the most powerful thing i've learned about coding is that most of what you want in a website has already been done, in some form or another. you just have to learn where to find it and mold it to your own specific design and functionality. the internet is my friend...


it's mine though...

i'm having a mini panic attack in my head about the fate of mr Mac Pro at the tree house. it's basically my computer, but friedrick paid for it with his credit card, so it's technically his. but it's mine. he doesn't need it for anything he does. i have a feeling i won't be working at the office too much this summer, and i want to make sure that wherever i go, so does macky pro. i haven't really asked fried about it and i think he'd probably agree that it goes with me. so i don't know why i'm freaking out. it's like the same feeling i got as a little kid in the doctor's office right before the nurse stuck me with a huge ass needle. i would start crying before it even punctured my skin. my mother and a couple other nurses would attempt to keep to quell my tantrum and before i knew it, it was over and i had already been injected with mystery fluid #1.

i'm an apple whore...


5th element

i like:

the ancient chinese believed that the universe was composed of these five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. they are both consequential and antithetical: metal begets water, water begets wood, wood begets fire, fire begets earth, and earth beget metal; and, conversely, metal overcomes wood, wood overcomes earth, earth overcomes water, water overcomes fire, and fire overcomes metal. to a large extent, the Feng Shui theory is a and application of the dynamic relationships of the five elements.


summit 08

i killed the spider on the tv last night. i felt bad. some would argue otherwise, but i was definitely there first. that logic only works for critters and other, much larger wild animals. i'm rationalizing...i know.

my buddies for back east came to hang out in good ol' Colorado. i realize i said i'd write over the break, but we didn't have wireless up there. i know...barbaric...right? anyway, we had a great time at the condo, which was a lot bigger than i imagined. i wanted to invite more of my friends from boulder, but i already felt a little intrusive when i brought my brother and derek. either way, we all got plenty of riding and partying done. now all i need is a break to recover from break. funny how that works.

we got some wicked footage from the helmet cam that danny brought with him. ok so, danny told me he was bringing this rig that mounts a video camera to a snowboard helmet so that it can take a first-person shot going down the mountain. he sent me a youtube video of an example and i truly thought he was joking. i shoulda known better... of course danny would fabricate a nifty mounting system. i told him he should consider starting an industrial design firm... guess what, that's right....he's already planning it. i can't win with this kid. but hey man, you'll know what i mean when i say, "you're welcome..." -love allison and ronnie, mostly allison.

luke said something on the last day they were all here that has stayed with me since. he said he wished that we could be "real" friends. "...we could just come over to each others' places after work and talk about philosophy, drink beer, and just plain hang out. " i have a solution, luke. yall should just move out here...out here, where the air is fresher and grass is greener, and vegetation is....well...browner, but the sky is definitely bluer. of course, it's not really that simple. moving sucks. but i know what you mean, luke. i miss the old days too. but without the distant memories of the old days, the new days would start to get old. by the way, luke is badass rider now. seriously, he's improved like 400% since the last time i saw him. he was rippin it.

it's hard to believe my buddy tyler is a teacher now. he teaches US History to high schoolers. talking to him about his job, i never realized how much someone in his position goes through on a day-to-day basis. i wanted to go back in time and apologize to every young teacher i pestered in school. knowing "Mr. Redes" outside of school, i think he'd make an awesome teacher. he's always been a chill guy. but i imagine one must behave a little different in a classroom setting. i just sent some of the stuff tyler left here back to his place in Norfolk, Virginia. it's strange how many times i've heard the word "norfolk" since they left. but this is probably because i now know how to pronounce it correctly. phonetically it looks more like this.....nahfuc. i can't quite seem to get it though, because i know you shouldn't feel like you're cursing when you say it.

jason and nick were great new additions to the crew. jason is super fun and crazy like luke, and nick...nick is a badass. i respect him. thanks nick, for taking care of all of us drunkards. he took some great pictures of the trip while we were all much too inebriated to concern ourselves with posterity.

allison would have definitely felt out-numbered had lauren not been there. it worked out beautifully that they were the only girls there and happened to have comparable ridin skill levels. allison got really comfortable on her board this week. she's movin like she wants it. it's great. i love seeing my students improve...

tyler should definitely get paid more for his job. all teachers should.


stir fry and smoothies

i’ve had 3 old friends contact me in the last week. all 3 very unexpected. i randomly got a this 678 number. i was like, whose number don’t i have that i know from atlanta? i checked my voicemail….RADLEY FRICKER! my buddy radley from way back dropped in to boulder to ride and see some shows last week. but instead of seein a show with his homies from louisville, he decided to chill with ronchron. we caught up with each other over a few beers at the sun on pearl. then we headed down the mall a ways and stumbled into the pub where there was this gnarly blues/funk band throwin down the mad note. the violinist was sick with it. very inspiring to say the least. i hung out with the rad man for a while that night and i got some sweet music from him by a band called justice. justice is these two french guys that seem to be descendants of daft punk. raw bass and funky beats!

my friend julia turelli came to visit me in boulder the other night. i was worried that we wouldn’t have anything to talk about, but it was like no time had passed since the last time we hung out. she drove from golden to seek advice and consolation. she’s concerned that she might be experiencing an episode similar to what i went through a few years back. though this might be true, i think she just needed to talk to an old friend. i told her that she just needs to be aware of drastic changes in her attitude and suggested that she not seek an intrusive solution like mood-stabilizers or antidepressants. instead i recommended that she just remember to eat right, sleep and get plenty of exercise. these 3 things cannot ever be replaced by any amount of medication. i told her she just needed to remember there are people who love her very much and she had always been a great friend. we all need that.
zach clanton and his buddy simon came to our place last night to chill and shoot the breeze. of course we got to talkin about shreddin pow. he has over 90 days, 78 of which are back country. needless to say, i’m seriously envious. he’s totally livin the dream. utah gets all the snow… he said the music scene is almost non-existent though. i think i could give us shows for a season or 2 of epic pow… as long as i can play my own music. zach comin to visit is a great omen. i feel allison and are about to embark on the next phase in our lives. shreddin pow and being artists…for a living. i’m excited!

so, about the title of this blog…i recently realized that i am like a stir fry of different skills, strengths and weaknesses. the whole of which, is much greater than just the sum of its ingredients. my social life is like a smoothie of friends and relationships. once it’s had time to blend and mix, it’s impossible to separate the medley of fruit and juices. everyone is in every spoonfull. there are sometimes stray chunks, but for the most part, all my friends are affected by even the smallest things i do. i realize this is just another way to explain any holistic philosophy, like relativity or systems theory. but my way is more fun.

see yall on the mtn…


shan wai yu shan...

i started the development of the BarHop Photo Gallery today. it needs a little work, but the basic idea it definitely there. allison's shots of the "sundowner event" have an amazingly high resolution. i'm anxious to see where she can take barhop...

i can’t wait to go ride with my homies next week. they come into town on friday night. allison and i are going to pick them up from DIA. I don’t know where were we’ll all spend the night that night, but i’m shootin for my dad’s. since the divorce, danny usually sees my mom when he comes to town. besides i think my dad and maryann would be cooler with us hangin there for an evening. it’s also closer to our final destination…las MONTANAS! i can’t wait to hit that pow . i heard it’s been absolutely epic lately.

allison is going to learn so much this week. and not just about shreddin gnar… i’m so excited for danny and my boys to finally meet my girl….fo real… last time the Clemson Crew was here, they barely spent anytime in boulder, and allison was too busy with class to come up and ride. so, needless to say, this next week has been highly anticipated.

i don’t think it’s hit me yet that i’m going to be missing an entire week of work. i haven’t taken a real vacation since last year around this time. from mexico to frisco… sun to snow… sand to pow…

zach is coming to boulder this week… i wish he was coming next week so i could actually take off work to chill. mickey also wants to ride later this week. sigh…my FRIENDS::POWDER-DAYS ratio is a little unbalanced… oh well, always room for improvement, i guess.

random quote time:

wise old theron say...shan wai yu shan ....in chinese, this translates to:

"Beyond this Mountain...there is always another..."

we might have to come back to boulder for a minute to meet with hannah and the production crew about Extreme Cutover. no big deal though, allison and i have already decided it’s totally worth missing 1 day of ridin to possibly make a few grand, not mention the opportunity of a lifetime!

eventhough i will be chest deep in gnar cherry pow next week, i will still do my darndest to blog everyday about it.

check out this sexy kodak moment:



not much today...

a lot happened today...but not in my life...i just wanted to make sure i got an entry in for the day...


dreamers' disease

Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give up, You've got a reason to live
Can't forget, You only get what you give

love that song...very poppy, but awesome. barhop promo event tonight @ the sundowner. i have a good feeling about this one. barhop is about to pop. we're gonna sell it, retain part ownership, and just watch it grow...mmm baby. this could be the night that launches us into tomorrow. i'm very excited! allison's gonna be there snappin photos for the social networking aspect of the website. the part of the site hasn't yet been implemented. but i've been thinking about it for a while. it's gonna be sweet when it's done.

tonight is going to rock! i love hangin with my friends and showin'em what i do all day that makes it so i can't chill like i used to. i miss those days. but that's why i keep working so hard right now. i want those days back...forever.

fIRST barhop logo


movin forward...

for some reason i always try to come up with a title for my blog before actually writing anything down. it definitely backwards. i think the input text box for the title bar should be below the posting box (but only on the post editor page). i don't know if anyone else does, but i have a problem summarizing what i have not yet written. thank god this thing has spell check, though. i'd be screwed.

on a happier note, i sent the budget to hannah yesterday and she already replied this morning. it looks like the project is a go, but their deal with the company in minnesota fell through. i know the energy behind the project is still goin strong and i have confidence that Martin-Group will find another company to make this work out, no problem. this might actually work out in our favor, mostly because of allison's class schedule. if the project gets pushed back a few weeks, it will put us right after finals during the production phase. that would be perfect, because by then allison and i will both have more time and energy to devote to this. it's gonna be great!

.::Martin-Group's Website::.


new territory...

i'm excited to see what allison and i can accomplish when we really, truly put our creative minds together. we're both very opinionated people, as well as stubborn. it's gonna take a lot "putting personal stuff aside" if we want to as productive as possible. we both have a lot of ideas of where this project could go. who knows? maybe our respective visions are more closely related than we think. i have more experience with editing film than allison, but i think her experience in other design fields (mainly photography) will add the necessary fresh outlook that this project needs. i'm going into this project 100% but 100% of what is the real question. my creative energy is floundering at the moment, just because my head is so clogged with the everyday crap of life (i.e. tuition disputes, bills, owning a business, debt in general). allison has fresh, new energy just bursting at the seams. i definitely need her on this one. i know that this project will prove that we can work together. it's a big one to start with, but we totally got it.

Extreme Cutover LOGO idea


we call the txtbus office the t-house. we don't really know why. it's just something we come to accept as the official name of the place we do most of our business. actually, it's just what i and friedrick very rarely use, but for some reason it seems to stand out as having much more significance than it really does. wow, glad that's out of the way. when are we going to sell these companies? why do i question this? i need to remain persistent and i will get what's coming to me. is that a good attitude? i'll just keep designing, snowboarding and playing music until the cows come home, or until i go broke, one of the two. keep in mind i'm treating this blog as a blank canvas until i stumble upon something interesting to write about. not that there isn't anything interesting going on in my life right now, just that i can't really compose my thoughts well enough at this time to focus on one topic...so i'm just free flow writing until something comes...until something comes...untils om thing comes...un tillsom thin gnomes...i like little gnomes and blueberries....... i'll have something better tomorrow...peace

hi again...

i've decided to start writing again. it's something i've been putting off for a while now. writing helps me organize my thoughts. sometimes there's so much in my head, the thought of even just beginning to write it all down gives me a headache. this blog is just me at the moment. i need to clear my head before i can start writing things that people want to read. medication.....what a bitch....

a little window into my world:

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/772760]