
music is happier

architectural design has its beautiful moments. but a large percentage of said trade is filled with stress and an overwhelming amount of social responsibility.

i went to the jason mraz concert the other night. live music fills my heart up like a party balloon and keeps me warm. hearing music and especially playing music is like a gift to my soul. something in me transforms when music is present and this feeling is probably not something i'll ever get from architecture. goethe said that to him "architecture was frozen music." this quote has never resonated with me as much as it has within the last couple weeks.

architecture is a visual art and relatively static when compared to music. but it also has more of a sense of permanence and omnipresence, whereas music is more of a series of temporary experiences. regardless, i have felt chilled in my design these last few weeks before midterms. music is my white pony, always tempting me to ride away into the harmonic sunset and never look back. architecture is city of glory i must navigate and conquer before i can follow the sun.

talk to me in december, when i start my perpetual winter break.

check out pretty lights' new album!

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