
the tribe ride

ok, allison and i have talked about it, for us tribe is on a decline.  the last 2 or 3 shows we've been to have lacked the original magic we felt when we started this ride a few years ago.  we always have a good time because all of our friends are there, but the music used to be the main attraction.  i just think when i find myself sneering at the songlist of a "favorite" band then it's time to move on.  

tribe, it's been real, but peaceblaster is......yikes. 

i will see you in another life when we are both cats or until you come out with another album on par with artifact.  good luck.

1 comment:

Allison Boozer said...

true that brotha.

we'll see ya in another life.

...it's kinda like our love for tv shows. what show are we going to watch now?! what band are we going to love for three years?!