
shan wai yu shan...

i started the development of the BarHop Photo Gallery today. it needs a little work, but the basic idea it definitely there. allison's shots of the "sundowner event" have an amazingly high resolution. i'm anxious to see where she can take barhop...

i can’t wait to go ride with my homies next week. they come into town on friday night. allison and i are going to pick them up from DIA. I don’t know where were we’ll all spend the night that night, but i’m shootin for my dad’s. since the divorce, danny usually sees my mom when he comes to town. besides i think my dad and maryann would be cooler with us hangin there for an evening. it’s also closer to our final destination…las MONTANAS! i can’t wait to hit that pow . i heard it’s been absolutely epic lately.

allison is going to learn so much this week. and not just about shreddin gnar… i’m so excited for danny and my boys to finally meet my girl….fo real… last time the Clemson Crew was here, they barely spent anytime in boulder, and allison was too busy with class to come up and ride. so, needless to say, this next week has been highly anticipated.

i don’t think it’s hit me yet that i’m going to be missing an entire week of work. i haven’t taken a real vacation since last year around this time. from mexico to frisco… sun to snow… sand to pow…

zach is coming to boulder this week… i wish he was coming next week so i could actually take off work to chill. mickey also wants to ride later this week. sigh…my FRIENDS::POWDER-DAYS ratio is a little unbalanced… oh well, always room for improvement, i guess.

random quote time:

wise old theron say...shan wai yu shan ....in chinese, this translates to:

"Beyond this Mountain...there is always another..."

we might have to come back to boulder for a minute to meet with hannah and the production crew about Extreme Cutover. no big deal though, allison and i have already decided it’s totally worth missing 1 day of ridin to possibly make a few grand, not mention the opportunity of a lifetime!

eventhough i will be chest deep in gnar cherry pow next week, i will still do my darndest to blog everyday about it.

check out this sexy kodak moment:


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