
trying to hold a groove...

i started playing guitar when i was 12.  i quit when i was 13.  i moved to mexico and found some inspiration.  i started playing again...for good this time.  guitar has since been a huge part of my life.  about a year ago i jammed with my buddy jesse in his basement.  the jam was goin great and then he started singing and i was completely taken aback.  needless to say, his voice is incredible. except for a couple failed attempts in high school; car; shower, i hadn't really thought about singing.  but after hearing jesse, i was motivated.

i can sing along to jack because his range is similar to mine, so i learned a couple of his songs throughout the rest of the summer.  it was rocky at first, but it caught on after a while and then just when i thought was really improving, i started devoting my time to txtbus.  as kickass of a ride as it was, that year of startup life completely consumed me...no real time for guitar.  and i have this thing...if i can't do something right (in this case: diligently practicing) i just don't do it all.  i picked it up a few times, but usually not with much passion. it killed me, but it was a sacrifice i was willing to make...temporarily.

the summer is back and with it came a little more free time for guitar. although i have been fairly busy. i guess i’ve just made more time for it. the room upstairs really helps. i kinna monopolized it, but i think allison expected that. there’s a desk up there now so she can use it for stuff. i’ve been learning keller songs lately. i guess he’s in my vocal range too. i just never thought to play one of his songs because he’s such an amazing guitarist. i thought it might be kind of a reach. turns out he plays chords just like everyone else. his picking style is what’s intimidating. must be all that bluegrass background. 

anyway, i’ve learned a lot these last couple weeks of singing and playing. i finally understand why it’s actually easier to sing and play guitar than it is to just try and sing a cappella. the tone of the guitar keeps your voice at the right pitch and the lyrics are usually broken up according to the rhythm of the song. they work together so it’s easier to keep the song moving. it makes so much sense that it’s almost embarrassing to admit it took me this long to figure out. but there’s a big difference between knowing it and realizing it. sorta just clicked the other day. i’m digging it for sure. i can see now why people can do this all day everyday...it’s addicting.

1 comment:

Allison Boozer said...

keep on keepin on baby!

you get better and better each time i hear you practice.
