
trail ridge shoot

we drove up trail ridge road yesterday to finish out cameron and christina's engagement photo shoot. allison did an amazing job directing them and making them feel like a loving couple. the images she got are really sweet too! but I'll let her show u those...



michael fuckin franti!!!!! he's the one standing up in the light blue back there. I was just mindin my own business havin happy hour with friends and then franti just crosses the street right in front of me. I could barely contain myself. I can only imagine what I wouldve done had it been Keller, or Britney....



the tribe ride

ok, allison and i have talked about it, for us tribe is on a decline.  the last 2 or 3 shows we've been to have lacked the original magic we felt when we started this ride a few years ago.  we always have a good time because all of our friends are there, but the music used to be the main attraction.  i just think when i find myself sneering at the songlist of a "favorite" band then it's time to move on.  

tribe, it's been real, but peaceblaster is......yikes. 

i will see you in another life when we are both cats or until you come out with another album on par with artifact.  good luck.



some moron across the hall from me started a grease fire and blew up their kitchen.  three fire trucks along with half of the boulder police force showed up at my apt. bldg. last night around 9:30.  needless to say it was a little unnerving.  i didn't have time to put away any computers or grab the cats.  i was outside for 3 minutes before i decided to ran back up and put the laptops under the couch, but when i opened the door for the 4th floor i couldn't even see my apt. door because there was so much smoke.  my heart sank...  thoughts started racing:  did the sprinklers go off?  is there smoke in our place?  do my cats hate me now?  turns out my apt. was not affected at all and it remains the island retreat within a sea of crappy apartments.

who the fuck cooks with grease?  that's some country-ass shit!


my stoic girlfriend...

nah, i just caught her in between smiles, but for some reason i really like this photo.

we waded across the treacherous boulder creek and made it with all our portable electronics still in tact and safe from the evils of h20.