
it's mine though...

i'm having a mini panic attack in my head about the fate of mr Mac Pro at the tree house. it's basically my computer, but friedrick paid for it with his credit card, so it's technically his. but it's mine. he doesn't need it for anything he does. i have a feeling i won't be working at the office too much this summer, and i want to make sure that wherever i go, so does macky pro. i haven't really asked fried about it and i think he'd probably agree that it goes with me. so i don't know why i'm freaking out. it's like the same feeling i got as a little kid in the doctor's office right before the nurse stuck me with a huge ass needle. i would start crying before it even punctured my skin. my mother and a couple other nurses would attempt to keep to quell my tantrum and before i knew it, it was over and i had already been injected with mystery fluid #1.

i'm an apple whore...


5th element

i like:

the ancient chinese believed that the universe was composed of these five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. they are both consequential and antithetical: metal begets water, water begets wood, wood begets fire, fire begets earth, and earth beget metal; and, conversely, metal overcomes wood, wood overcomes earth, earth overcomes water, water overcomes fire, and fire overcomes metal. to a large extent, the Feng Shui theory is a and application of the dynamic relationships of the five elements.


summit 08

i killed the spider on the tv last night. i felt bad. some would argue otherwise, but i was definitely there first. that logic only works for critters and other, much larger wild animals. i'm rationalizing...i know.

my buddies for back east came to hang out in good ol' Colorado. i realize i said i'd write over the break, but we didn't have wireless up there. i know...barbaric...right? anyway, we had a great time at the condo, which was a lot bigger than i imagined. i wanted to invite more of my friends from boulder, but i already felt a little intrusive when i brought my brother and derek. either way, we all got plenty of riding and partying done. now all i need is a break to recover from break. funny how that works.

we got some wicked footage from the helmet cam that danny brought with him. ok so, danny told me he was bringing this rig that mounts a video camera to a snowboard helmet so that it can take a first-person shot going down the mountain. he sent me a youtube video of an example and i truly thought he was joking. i shoulda known better... of course danny would fabricate a nifty mounting system. i told him he should consider starting an industrial design firm... guess what, that's right....he's already planning it. i can't win with this kid. but hey man, you'll know what i mean when i say, "you're welcome..." -love allison and ronnie, mostly allison.

luke said something on the last day they were all here that has stayed with me since. he said he wished that we could be "real" friends. "...we could just come over to each others' places after work and talk about philosophy, drink beer, and just plain hang out. " i have a solution, luke. yall should just move out here...out here, where the air is fresher and grass is greener, and vegetation is....well...browner, but the sky is definitely bluer. of course, it's not really that simple. moving sucks. but i know what you mean, luke. i miss the old days too. but without the distant memories of the old days, the new days would start to get old. by the way, luke is badass rider now. seriously, he's improved like 400% since the last time i saw him. he was rippin it.

it's hard to believe my buddy tyler is a teacher now. he teaches US History to high schoolers. talking to him about his job, i never realized how much someone in his position goes through on a day-to-day basis. i wanted to go back in time and apologize to every young teacher i pestered in school. knowing "Mr. Redes" outside of school, i think he'd make an awesome teacher. he's always been a chill guy. but i imagine one must behave a little different in a classroom setting. i just sent some of the stuff tyler left here back to his place in Norfolk, Virginia. it's strange how many times i've heard the word "norfolk" since they left. but this is probably because i now know how to pronounce it correctly. phonetically it looks more like this.....nahfuc. i can't quite seem to get it though, because i know you shouldn't feel like you're cursing when you say it.

jason and nick were great new additions to the crew. jason is super fun and crazy like luke, and nick...nick is a badass. i respect him. thanks nick, for taking care of all of us drunkards. he took some great pictures of the trip while we were all much too inebriated to concern ourselves with posterity.

allison would have definitely felt out-numbered had lauren not been there. it worked out beautifully that they were the only girls there and happened to have comparable ridin skill levels. allison got really comfortable on her board this week. she's movin like she wants it. it's great. i love seeing my students improve...

tyler should definitely get paid more for his job. all teachers should.